Greyson's Nursery

9:52 AM Amanda Greathouse 0 Comments

As I was updating Greyson's baby book today with some milestones [yay for sleeping through some nights] and filling out the info for his 3 month favorites I realized I've added a bunch of stuff to his nursery that I really like!

I have a slight problem with Pinterest - like spending way too much time looking at things I can't make or can't afford! Ha But it did give me some good DIY ideas for the nursery!

His dresser with some frames & stuffed animals

Nursery print with Greyson's birthday details                           

              Shadow box with the stuff Grey wore home from the hospital

Greyson's hand & foot prints

Bookshelf with his books & personalized stuff

Cozy area in his nursery 

His monkey crib

And of course I couldn't resist taking a picture of my little monkey! :)


Happy Mothers Day!

10:13 AM Amanda Greathouse 0 Comments

Ah the ceremonial first Mothers Day! New baby, new life, new love! It was hard being away from my own mom again this year, but getting to take part in this day myself gave me a new appreciation for mothers, especially my own!

Being a mom is the hardest, most tiring, stressful, dirty, confusing job I've ever had & yet I love it he most! There's times I'd rather sleep or I have no idea what this baby wants but then he gives me one of his sweet smiles & nothing else matters! Each day he grows & learns something new & being able to see it all happen melts my heart!

I get it now! Not saying I didn't appreciate moms before yesterday, but it has a new meaning! As a kid you see mothers day as a day in May to make mom breakfast, a handmade gift & clean the house without being told while taking a break from fighting with siblings for the day all because mom does it every other day of the year so let give her a break!

But now I see that it should be seen as a thank you for so much more! Thanks for feeding me in the middle of the night when you can't keep our own eyes open. Thanks for getting yourself dirty while cleaning me cause I made a huge mess of myself. Thanks for putting off watching that movie you've been wanting to see because I started smiling at you right in he middle. Thanks for going around a giant heavy bag everywhere we go so you have everything I may need. Thanks for not showering today because I'd rather only be ontnt ducking with you thn doing anything else! Thanks for sacrificing those new clothes you want because I need new clothes & diapers!

The past 3 months haven't been the easiest. I've been tested in more ways I could have ever imagined
& yet I'm still going! I haven't let the negative stuff bring me down! I have a great support system though which has helped get me through! Greyson is amazing & I'm so lucky to be his mom!

Greyson found his feet recently & the process of getting them to his mouth are amusing!

"hi mom!"

"what are those?!" 

"hmm they come way up here..." 

"yay toes!!" 

I hope all the moms out there had a great, loving day! Off to cuddle with my men & get ready for a late breakfast!